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Dreams of Utopia


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Dreams of Utopia

Album download

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Dreams of Utopia is the first album by Muvieli.

During the hardships of 2020 due to the global pandemic, Max decided to begin writing the first album with hopes to portray a message of hope and resistance against the challenges that we are facing during the pandemic. Seeing the wild division between people in the Black Lives Matter movement as

Dreams of Utopia is the first album by Muvieli.

During the hardships of 2020 due to the global pandemic, Max decided to begin writing the first album with hopes to portray a message of hope and resistance against the challenges that we are facing during the pandemic. Seeing the wild division between people in the Black Lives Matter movement as well as the raiding of the Capitol building in Washington urged Muvieli to produce his debut album which includes some of his most direct and profound lyrics, urging people to put their differences aside and tackle the problem we are all facing together through love and compassion - a dire message in these wild times.

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  1. 1
    War 3:53
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  2. 2
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    In a Little Place

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  3. 3
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    Feeling of Being Alive

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  4. 4
    Lola 4:52
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  5. 5
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    For the Thrill of It

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  6. 6
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    Will There Ever Be a Time

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  7. 7
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    Could It Be

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  8. 8
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    Lola (Piano Version)

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